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What to Do If Your Child's Tooth Gets Knocked Out Oct 17th, 2024

If your son or daughter is rough and tumble, you might be used to acting fast after an accident. But even if your child likes to keep things mellow, life happens. You don’t need to panic if a tooth gets knocked out of their mouth, but you do need to...

How Do I Know If My Child Has a Cavity? Sep 8th, 2024

We cite these statistics often, but they bear repeating. Cavities are the most common chronic childhood illness. By age 8, roughly half of kids have had a cavity.  Since this issue is so common, most parents want to know how to watch for it. We can help.  As an expert...

Is Nitrous Oxide Safe for My Child? Aug 13th, 2024

If your child panics about going to the dentist or you know they’ll need some serious oral health treatment, you’ve probably wished you could wave a magic wand. Many parents long for a way to fast-forward the uncomfortable part of their children’s lives. You can do just that with nitrous...

5 Reasons to Bring Your Child in for Pediatric Dentistry Care Jul 25th, 2024

Whether your child is due for their very first trip to the dentist (this should happen by their first birthday) or you’re looking for a new pediatric dentist, it’s worth putting in the effort to schedule an appointment. High-quality dental care sets your child up for a lifetime of oral...

Are Sealants Necessary? Jun 24th, 2024

Cavities are extremely common. About half of kids ages 6–8 have at least one cavity in their baby teeth. The issue only gets bigger once adult teeth come in. Roughly 57% of kids and teens ages 12–19 have a cavity. As a parent, you want to protect your children against...

How Can I Help Prepare My Child for Their First Dental Exam? May 1st, 2024

The American Dental Association recommends that parents bring their children to the dentist when their first tooth appears or by their first birthday, whichever comes first. That might feel early, but starting young helps kids get used to going to the dentist. Plus, since cavities affect half of kids between...

Is Your Child Nervous About Seeing the Dentist? Sedation Dentistry Can Help Apr 4th, 2024

A child’s fear is usually a blend of what they know and don’t yet understand. So, it’s unsurprising that many kids fear going to the dentist.  They often worry that it might be painful, something they probably understand from scraping a knee or stubbing a toe. Pair that with a...

Is My Child's Toothache Considered a Dental Emergency? Mar 12th, 2024

You never want your child to be in pain. A toothache can feel particularly challenging because you can’t necessarily see what’s going on, and your ability to treat the issue directly is pretty limited. That doesn’t mean you need to panic, though.  While Irene Zaki, DDS, and our team specialize...

Help! My Child Hates Brushing Their Teeth Feb 8th, 2024

You know it’s your job as a parent to help your kids build healthy habits. Teeth brushing is a huge part of that. But if your child hates this step in their daily routine, you might feel pretty stuck.  You’re not alone. Kids’ refusal to brush their teeth is extremely...

How Do I Know If My Child Needs Braces? Jan 12th, 2024

As your child grows, you monitor their progress. You might mark their height on the door jamb or marvel at how quickly they grow out of their shoes. You also keep an eye out for any signs that they need some extra support as they develop. If your child’s teeth...

Getting Your Child Through Dental Extraction Recovery Dec 13th, 2023

If your child needs a tooth pulled, you probably aren’t looking forward to the process. Even if you trust your family dentist to handle the extraction without any issues, you know the days immediately after might not be easy. Fortunately, armed with a few tips, you can help make your...

What Most First-Time Parents Don't Know About Children's Oral Health Needs Nov 2nd, 2023

As a first-time parent, you have a lot to learn. In fact, it can feel pretty overwhelming. Caring for your baby and setting them up for a healthy life requires you to do a lot of specific things, and the list can feel daunting.  We want to help. Here at...

Helping Your Child Overcome Their Fear of the Dentist Oct 30th, 2023

Kids have plenty of irrational fears, from the boogie monster under their bed to the bugs crawling around outside, and every parent knows that fear can shape your child’s day and yours. And if your child fears the dentist  — a fairly common childhood fear — that might make you dread...

What to Do When Your Child Loses a Tooth Aug 31st, 2023

You probably still remember when those baby teeth first showed up (who can forget teething?). So when they start to fall out, it can feel both shocking and a little bit sad. But don’t worry — this isn’t a stage your child will rush through. Losing their teeth to make...

When Do I Need to Take My Child in for Their First Dentist Appointment? Aug 1st, 2023

Parents might not worry about visiting the dentist in their child’s first year for quite a few reasons. For starters, so many other doctor’s visits fill the calendar. Beyond that, since baby teeth will fall out anyway, they don’t need too much care, right? Actually, getting your child started with...

Signs Your Child May Have a Lip Tie Jul 1st, 2023

Run your tongue along your gums above your top row of teeth. Right in the middle, you should feel a band of connective tissue called a frenulum. The purpose of the frenulum between your upper lip and gums is to stabilize your lip. It’s especially important in kids because it...

5 Reasons to Consider "Laughing Gas" for Your Child's Dental Work Jun 1st, 2023

Going to the dentist doesn’t have to be stressful for you and your child.  At Happy Teeth Children’s Dentistry in Riverside, California, Irene Zaki, DDS, offers nitrous oxide — also called laughing gas — to give children mild sedation. This makes them comfortable and helps them relax while still keeping...

When to See a Dental About Your Child's Bleeding Gums May 24th, 2023

There’s a disease sweeping through youth populations, but it often goes unnoticed. It’s gum disease, also called periodontal disease, and it can cause gum bleeding. Boston Children’s Hospital estimates that one in two kids lives with this condition.  The good news? Gum disease is reversible. And as a parent, you...

Common Dental Issues that Sealants Help Prevent Apr 3rd, 2023

You want to do everything you can to help your children develop healthy oral habits. You teach them to brush and floss. You find toothpaste in a flavor they like. You take them to the dentist regularly. Yet, cavities still happen. In fact, more than half of kids and teens...

What to Expect After Your Child's Cavity Filling Mar 6th, 2023

So, your child has a cavity — while that certainly isn’t great news, it’s also not something to be overly worried about. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that more than half of kids ages 6–8 have a cavity in their baby teeth. Things don’t get better as kids...

5 Tips for Keeping Your Child's Teeth Healthy Feb 21st, 2023

February is officially National Children's Dental Health Month. As a parent, you’re constantly thinking about your child’s well-being, and February allows you to zero in on one important component of their overall wellness: their oral health.  We’re here to help. At Happy Teeth Children’s Dentistry in Riverside, California, Irene Zaki,...

What To Do If Your Child Chips, Loosens, or Loses a Tooth Jan 12th, 2023

Kids are pretty accident-prone. As their bodies grow and their minds get more curious, they can put themselves in all sorts of compromising positions. You’ve likely seen them take a tumble or two in the last week alone.  Usually, it’s no big deal. But a little spill can become a...

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe for Kids? Dec 20th, 2022

Going to the dentist makes plenty of adults nervous, so it’s no surprise that it comes with challenges for many kids. Fortunately, regularly visiting the dentist can go a long way here. When this becomes a normal part of your child’s life, it eliminates the fear-of-the-unknown element.  Many kids feel increasingly comfortable...

Give Your Child the Gift of Healthy Teeth Through Regular Exams Nov 17th, 2022

As a parent, you know you should be taking several steps now to help your child thrive in the future. That might mean exploring schooling options well before they reach the age to start that level of education or getting regular physicals with their doctor. Don’t forget about their oral...